187. How to be a People-Person (and network like a pro) with Piper Phillips

Season #10

Your network is your net worth.

It's not "who you know," it's the relationships you build.

There's no doubt being a great networker will help you reach your goals faster.

In this episode I chat to my favourite networker and viral TikToker Piper Phillips. who shares so much practical advice around -

🌱 The importance of building a personal brand.

🌱 The power of nurturing relationships.

🌱 The best time to network.

🌱 How to do cold outreach on LinkedIn right.

🌱 How to build rapport with people fast.

🌱 The difference between being a people-person and a people-pleaser.

🌱  The Do's and Don'ts of networking in person.

🌱 The power of social media to build your network.

Connect with us @piperphillips @thatvoicepodcast @sallyprosservoice.

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